Many of the tax-exempt bond rules apply to an “issue” of bonds. With a few exceptions, an issue of bonds includes all bonds sold by an issuer less than 15 days apart under the same plan of financing, if the debt service on those bonds is reasonably expected to be paid from the same source … Continue Reading
The flexibility to reallocate proceeds to expenditures using an accounting method other than direct tracing has been a well-recognized and much-appreciated opportunity under the allocation and accounting rules of IRC section 141. The former proposed section 141 regulations (REG-140379-02, Sept. 26, 2006) (“Proposed Regulations”), now replaced by the final section 141 regulations issued October 27, … Continue Reading
Since the final allocation and accounting regulations (“Allocation Regs”) were published on October 27, 2015, they have been a recurring topic of this blog (see here, here, here, and here). One question yet to be addressed is what, if anything, is the continuing importance of a “final allocation” of tax-favored bond proceeds in the wake … Continue Reading
To follow up on our recent coverage of the “Allocation and Accounting Regulations”, (here, here, and here) we wanted to point out a helpful rule that that our friends at the IRS have provided the tax-exempt bond community. Treas. Reg. § 1.141-3(g)(2)(v) (shown below) allows an issuer or conduit borrower to “look through” a partnership … Continue Reading
The Treasury Department has finalized regulations that it proposed in 2006 to address how to allocate tax-exempt bond proceeds and other sources of funds to a project and other related topics. Click here for a copy of the regulations – we’ll have more on these soon. … Continue Reading
Treasury has provided a valuable yet often overlooked tool in the regulations governing the allocation of bond proceeds to expenditures under IRC §§141 and 148. Using this tool, you can allocate bond proceeds in a way that differs from the flow of funds. Treas. Reg. 1.148-6(d)(1)(iii) allows an issuer to allocate bond proceeds to expenditures … Continue Reading