Do you feel it? Good vibes for tax-advantaged bond legislation permeate the air around us. White smoke emerged from the White House on June 24, signifying that the President and key Senate leaders had reached a deal on an infrastructure bill. The deal includes “public private partnerships, private activity bonds, direct pay bonds and asset … Continue Reading
Was your schedule incredibly busy on April 8th? Was your schedule so busy that you missed the Squire Patton Boggs webinar on what President Biden’s American Jobs Plan and what it means for the transportation industry? If it was, and you’re disappointed that you missed former Secretary of Transportation Rodney E. Slater, former Republican Congressman … Continue Reading
On March 31, 2021, President Biden officially unveiled the planned $2.25 trillion infrastructure bill, marking the beginning of what promises to be a lengthy debate over the appropriate size and scope of infrastructure investment and economic recovery in the country. Who better to guide you through it than our partner, Rodney Slater, former Secretary of … Continue Reading
On June 1, 2016, the New York Transportation Development Corporation issued over $2.25 billion in tax-exempt bonds as part of a public-private partnership to redevelop the Central Terminal building (known as Terminal B to passengers) at LaGuardia Airport in New York City. As The Bond Buyer reported, the deal broke all kinds of records – it … Continue Reading
The midterm elections are (mostly!) over. What’s coming next? No one is in a better position to tell you the answer than our Public Policy colleagues. Here for your reading and savoring are two pieces – a breakdown that spans all areas of law, and an analysis of what the election means specifically for tax … Continue Reading
On February 13, the Trump Administration released its proposal to finance improvements of the nation’s infrastructure. This proposal promotes the use of public-private partnership (“P3”) arrangements to fund these improvements by expanding exempt facility bonds (a type of tax-exempt private activity bond that can be used to finance a list of specific types of projects, … Continue Reading
A few years ago, I wrote a blog post entitled “The P3 Wars” in which I provided a brief explanation of how a P3 (i.e., a public-private partnership) works, and the general arguments for and against the use of P3s. More recently, President Trump proposed a $1 trillion U.S. infrastructure plan that likely includes the … Continue Reading
The new Congressional session is heating up, and we’ll cover two new pieces of proposed legislation below. For the first time in several years, we can avoid giving the usual disclaimer that any new piece of legislation is “likely going nowhere.” Tax reform appears to be a real possibility for the first time in many … Continue Reading
Roddy Devlin, Bruce Gabriel, and Carolina Mederos, three of our public & infrastructure finance colleagues, have written a comprehensive market update and outlook for Public-Private Partnership (“P3”) transactions in the U.S. The paper, which you can access here, notes a couple of important tax points, including the passage of the Fixing America’s Surface Transportation … Continue Reading
The Bond Buyer ($) has a piece by our own Roddy Devlin and Bruce Gabriel today, wrapping up the year in public-private partnerships in 2015, and looking forward to the future. They note one particularly important tax-focused point – Congress has enacted the Fixing America’s Surface Transportation Act, which removes the prohibition against combining tax-exempt bonds for … Continue Reading
Senator Ron Wyden (D-Oregon) and Senator John Hoeven (R-North Dakota) have sponsored a bill to encourage private parties to help repair the nation’s infrastructure by encouraging the broader use of public-private partnerships, or P3s. The bill, called “The Move America Act of 2015,” proposes a new type of tax-exempt bond, the “Move America Bond.” (Move America Bonds will … Continue Reading
Disclaimer: This blog post was prepared by Cynthia Mog. The opinions expressed in this article do not reflect the views of Squire Patton Boggs (US) LLP. In fact, they do not reflect the opinions of the author either. Rather, this is a summary of information available on the omniscient Internet. As you may know, a … Continue Reading
Roddy Devlin and Greg Johnson, two of our experts on Public-Private Partnerships (which you may know as “P3s”), have an excellent overview in The Bond Buyer today ($) of how the federal, state, and local governments in the United States are warming up to the idea of using P3s for infrastructure projects. If you’re more of a … Continue Reading