Tag Archives: Another acronym – just what every tax-exempt bond lawyer needs

Qualified Public Infrastructure Bonds – Fancy New Name; Familiar Old Rules

The new tax-advantaged bond programs in the 2009 Stimulus Act (P.L. 111-5) appeared out of nowhere (or, in the case of direct pay bonds, almost out of nowhere), and left many in the tax-exempt bond community swimming in new concepts for several months. Once everyone finally worked through the new questions (just what was a “permitted sinking fund … Continue Reading

The Bond Buyer Publishes Commentary by Squire Patton Boggs Attorneys on Qualified Public Infrastructure Bonds

The Bond Buyer recently published a commentary ($) prepared by Squire Patton Boggs’ lawyers Mike Cullers and Roddy Devlin,  on the proposal in the Obama Administration’s federal government budget for fiscal year 2016 to expand exempt facility bonds to include a new category – Qualified Public Infrastructure Bonds.  Please see this commentary for a primer on the applicable … Continue Reading